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October 2024 Wellness Retreat for Women Healthcare Providers

October 25, 2024

October 2024 Wellness Retreat for Women Healthcare Providers

Weekend Wellness Retreat for Women Physicians and Clinicians on Orcas Island

October 25 - 27, 2024

Join Dr. Rachel Bishop, Family Physician and Physician Wellbeing Coach, and Annie Barrett, National Board-Certified Wellness Coach and Certified Yoga Instructor, for an unforgettable wellness weekend retreat for women Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants on beautiful Orcas Island, Washington.

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together” -Desmond Tutu

In order to take care of others, we need to take care of ourselves first. Self-care is a priority and a necessity - not a luxury - in the work that we do.

This retreat is designed to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing of women working in medicine. Retreat participants will engage in interactive wellness activities that explore the values that underlie our personal and professional lives, and explore tools that can support us to use those values as a compass for self care and professional fulfillment.

The retreat will take place at the West Sound Community Hall, a historical building on the water, which lies between the Orcas Ferry landing and the town of Eastsound. We will also take advantage of the nearby Turtleback Mountain preserve.

  • Lodging is available in the community walking distance from the Hall, as well as in Eastsound and the  hamlet of Deer Harbor, each a 15 minute drive away.
  • Meals are included in your retreat fee and will be prepared by a personal chef, and sourced locally. 
  • For those who would like additional time on the island, we can provide information for local massage, whale watching, hiking and kayaking. 

Come and fill up your cup with a restorative weekend of coaching, wellness practices, self-care, nature, and community with a group of like minded women!

This retreat is aimed at Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants.

Education credits are pending. 

Learning Objectives

After this education, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify connect to their values.
  2. Recognize boundaries and have tools to start setting these.
  3. Recognize and label emotions.
  4. Employ a variety of mindful self-compassion techniques and practices for personal and occupational wellbeing.
  5. Develop a plan for self-care in daily life.
  6. Identify their own strengths, talents and values and give voice to what for them constitutes satisfaction and fulfillment in their profession.

Retreat Schedule

Friday October 25, 2024 - Arrive on Orcas, Welcome Dinner

6:30 - 8:30 PM Dinner and Community Building at Rachel’s house

***Note: If your schedule doesn't allow for you to arrive in time for our Friday dinner, you join us Saturday morning. See link to ferry schedules below.****

Saturday October 26, 2024 - Main Retreat Day at West Sound Community Hall

8 - 9 AM Intention Setting and Mindful Movement

9 - 10 AM Catered Breakfast

10 AM - 1 PM Morning Sessions

Through discussion and group and individual activities we will review where we are now in our personal and professional lives and where we would like to be. We will explore our personal values that underlie this journey and tools that we can engage. 

1 - 2:30 PM Catered Lunch and Free Time

2:30 - 5:30 PM Afternoon Sessions

We will explore the importance of self care and the pillars of self compassion.  Time will be allowed for individual exploration of these ideas through prompts and activities before coming together as a group to share ideas and questions.

6 - 7 PM Catered Dinner

7 - 8 PM Community Activity / Guided Relaxation

Sunday October 27, 2024 - Group Hike Activity and Closing Circle

7:30  AM Group Hike at Turtle Back. Hiking in nature participants will have the opportunity for mindfulness practice. 

9 - 10 AM Catered Breakfast at Cascade Lake Shelter

10 AM - 11:30 Small group activity to develop an action plan of next steps and Closing Circle.

Retreat Package

Your retreat package includes:

  • Welcome Dinner on Friday night at private house (address will be sent to participants)
  • Retreat Sessions on Saturday and Sunday at West Sound Community Hall
  • Up to 8.5 hours of education credit (Meals and snacks (Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner; Sunday breakfast)
  • Cost: $749/participant.

***Please note that lodging costs are separate. See below.**

Retreat Lodging Options

Lodging is available on Orcas Island within walking distance from the West Sound Community Hall (our retreat location), as well as in Eastsound, and the  hamlet of Deer Harbor.

We recommend that you book your lodging as soon as possible.

Getting to and from Orcas Island

Ferry from Anacortes to Orcas Island

Most people take a Washington State Ferries from Anacortes to the islands. 

The ferry schedule is available here:


Ferry reservations can be made here:


You need to be in line for the ferry 30 minutes before the departure of your boat to claim your reservation (even if the boat is running late). 

If you are booking your reservation and discover that your preferred ferry is full, don't panic! More reservations open up two days before the sailing (at 7am). Check back at that time to reserve your spot. The $16 reservation fee is only charged if you do not use your reservation, or cancel it after 5pm the night before. 

Walk-on Ferry Option

If you would prefer to park in Anacortes and walk on to the ferry, we can help you arrange a ride share or shuttle to the resort. Let us know ASAP if you prefer this option.

Early Arrival

If you would like to arrive earlier and spend some time exploring the island, let us know and we can give you recommendations on things to see, or nice spots to have lunch.

Retreat Faculty

Rachel and Annie work collaboratively to provide retreats and coaching services designed to improve the physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing of health care providers. Collectively, Dr Rachel Bishop and Annie Barrett have over 50 years of professional experience in primary care, teaching, coaching, and wellness. They have been friends and colleagues for the last 15 years, and came together during the COVID pandemic to recognize the crisis of burnout in healthcare. Their programs and retreats creatively aim to restore health and wellbeing for Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants. They offer one day or multi day retreats, individual and group coaching and are available to speak at meetings and seminars.

Rachel Bishop


Dr Rachel Bishop is a Family Physician and Physician Peer Coach. Originally from the UK, she has been working in primary care for over 25 years, including 6 years providing cross-cultural care in India and Nepal.  For the last 14 years she has been working for Peace Health in the San Juan Islands. She recognizes the importance of the human experience in medicine, is a member of the Peace Health Wellness Committee, the Physician Council at the Beryl Institute and a Vital Worklife advocate.

She balances work as a Primacy Care Physician with running a small organic farm on Orcas Island, and teaching Suzuki violin lessons to children in her community. 

Dr Bishop completed her medical degree at the University of Leeds, UK. Postgraduate training was in Rural Medicine in West Yorkshire, UK, Family Medicine at Group Health, Seattle, Tropical Medicine and Public Health at the University of Liverpool, and the faculty development fellowship at the University of Washington. She trained as a Physician Peer Coach at the Physician Coaching Academy.

Annie Barrett


​Annie Barrett is a Bilingual Educator, National Speaker, National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Board-Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and Trainer.​ Annie has worked over 25 years as an educator spanning the fields of K-12, post-secondary and community education, alongside coaching individuals and groups in health and wellness, and training yoga teachers. She educates and empowers groups and individuals to live resilient and vibrant lives with the tools of lifestyle medicine, mindfulness, habit change science and yoga.  As a workplace wellness provider, Annie has found success applying her diverse training in helping individuals and teams manage work-related stress, overcome compassion fatigue and burnout and achieve work-life balance.

Annie completed her Masters of Education from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is a Board-Certified Health Coach with the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches and holds a certification as an Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coach with YogaMedCo. She earned an Ayurvedic Practitioner diploma with Yoga Veda Institute and is a Board-Certified Practitioner with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. Over the past 27 years, Annie has trained with many teachers and lineages of yoga and is an Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher and Continuing Education Provider with Yoga Alliance.

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